Our Beliefs

Our Beliefs

About God
We worship the one only living and true God, who is revealed in the Bible and who is the source of all life, glory, goodness and blessedness. God is infinite and eternal, creator of all things, who exists in three distinct persons – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

About Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. He is the eternal Son of God, who was born of a virgin to become human. He lived to teach men by His example how to live a sinless life. He was crucified as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world, died and was buried and arose from death to give us eternal life. He will return one day to judge the living and the dead and will establish God’s kingdom on earth for all believers.

About the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, who is the third person of the eternal God, is present in all believers to persuade us to repent our sins, and declare Jesus as Lord of our lives. He lives in us, and enables us to live more godly lives and to grow in spiritual maturity through obedience to the Word of God.

About the Bible
The Bible is God’s uniquely revealed and written Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is the church’s first and final authority in all areas of faith and life.

About Worship
God – and God alone – is worthy of worship. We respond to God by consciously and intentionally seeking to declare, explore, celebrate and submit to God’s righteous and gracious kingship over all creation and over every aspect of our individual and corporate life. God delights in our corporate worship and we are blessed by worshipping with fellow believers.
About the Church
The church is the living body of Christ on earth; Jesus is its head and the source of its life. Every believer is called to be a faithful and participating member of a local church. The church exists to celebrate the life of God, cultivate personal growth in Christ, care about one another in Christ, and communicate the gospel of Christ to the world.

About Human Beings
Human beings were created by God in God’s own image – in true righteousness and holiness – to know, love and obey God. While there is inalienable glory and nobility to human beings because they are God’s image bearers, all of us are marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called “sin”. The human will, originally free and righteous, is now crippled and defective. As a result, human beings are in bondage to sin and subject to God’s holy judgment. Without God’s grace and salvation, we are lost and condemned.

About Grace
God is a God of Love. In grace, God chooses to show love and mercy. When we were dead in trespass and sin, God made us alive with Christ, saving us by grace through faith, as a sheer gift of sovereign love.

About Faith
Faith is (a) accepting the message of salvation as true, and (b) trusting God to apply this salvation to us. Faith is “certain knowledge” and “wholehearted trust,” that is created in us by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. In faith alone, we are saved by grace.

About Eternal Life
Jesus Christ will return one day to judge the living and the dead and will establish God’s kingdom on earth for all believers. When He returns, all believers will receive a new glorified body fit for eternal living. This is the hope of all believers. Those who have been reborn by the Spirit will live with and serve Him forever.
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